Zimmerman Youth Fellowship (ZYF) is the youth church, which was established in response to a desire for a lively fellowship in which members aged below 35 years may connect and grow with one another in matters of God and life.
Expect one of the best experiences of your life as we explore a treasured depth of God in our youth fellowship.
To properly equip young people in the Church with the Word of God as well as the knowledge and skills needed to establish a foundation for life and godliness throughout their lives.
ZYF exists to transform, equip, and build the lives of the youths in church by establishing a firm foundation in faith, rooted and build up in Christ, and preaching Christ and him crucified for a positive impact in society.
To achieve this, ZYF actively engages young people in activities that develop their Christian faith and character; train and grow their talent, skill, vocation, profession and social skills based on the Bible; encounter wholesome social support; and advance God’s Kingdom by influencing others to share these experiences.
To be examples in speech, conduct (Action), love, faith, and purity.
To be rooted and built up in Christ Jesus.
To be strengthened in the faith.
To share and enjoy each other’s lives.
To sharpen our gifts and talents through service.
To unite churches that also focus on Jesus, His death, and resurrection, empowering them to serve as they are called.
Love: Learning to love God and one another as God loves us. [“This is a place where I am loved.”]
Acceptance: Welcome all with enthusiasm as Christ accepts us. [“This is a place where I feel like I belong.”]
Discipleship: Making Jesus our focus and striving to be more like Him every day. [“This is a place where I see Jesus.”]
Grace: Unmerited favor, a gift Christ offers freely; showing grace through practicing unconditional love. [“This is a place that I’m not judged.”]
Scripture: Learning and growing in our understanding of God’s Word and applying it to our daily lives. [“This is a place where God speaks to me.”]
Service: Following the example of Christ by serving others in the church, community, and world. [“This is a place where I am encouraged to make a difference.”]
Monday Starting from
7:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday Starting from
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Monday Starting from
8:00pm to 8:45pm
Chairperson – Charles Mwangi
V/Chairperson – Kennedy Munene
Secretary – Simon Kanyi
V/Secretary – Jackline Wambui
Treasurer – Irene Njambi