

About Evangelism

The Presbyterian Church of East Africa is an evangelical church and believes in missionary work and proclamation of God’s Word to reach and change the world through the Gospel of regeneration. 

To this end the Evangelism department in the Church has been set aside and tasked with the responsibility of advancing God’s kingdom by propagating the Gospel. 

At PCEA Zimmerman Church, this group has enjoyed tremendous growth over the years since the Church was planted. It has been instrumental in Church growth as has been active in the preaching, music and discipleship. 


To invigorate the Church through preaching and teaching of the Word and sound doctrine, bringing persons of all walks of life to the knowledge and experience of God’s abundant grace in order to advance God’s Kingdom. 

(Matthew 28:19-20)


To positively impact the life of every individual within the reach of PCEA Ciiko congregation with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Objectives of Evangelism

To achieve the mission we have set out these responsibilities: 

  1. Encourage prayer and intercession 

  2. Ushering and welcoming visitors and ensuring members‘ comfort in the Church.

  3. Ensuring follow–up of new converts and members through discipleship classes and Bible Study Fellowships 

  4. Organising evangelistic and missionary work through rallies, revival meetings, crusades, witnessing, conventions, keshas, sports evangelism, visiting needy people. 

  5. Enriching the preaching programme through inspirational speakers and topics

  6. Oversight of the music and singing in the Church Evangelism comprises of the other subgroups and all members of the congregation are welcome to belong to any that fits their calling, gifting, talent and passion


  1. Patron – Eld Isaac Njoroge

  2. Chairperson – Ann Muthoni Muraya

  3. Secretary – Purity Wanjugu Mungai
  4. Treasurer – Simon Muthee
  5. V/Chairperson – David Kanyora

  6. V/Secretary – Margaret Wanjiru Mwaura

  7. Organizer- Sammy Kiarie