Christian Education

Christian Education

About The Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee is an integral committee in the P.C.E.A. church whose role is to educate the members on various areas. At the Central Committee, the Group is coordinated by the Director of Christian Education who works hand in with the Central Christian Education Committee, whereas, the Moderator of the General Assembly is the Chaplain of the Group. At the Regional Level, the group is coordinated by the Regional Education Secretary who works hand in hand with the Regional Christian Education Committee. At the Presbyterial Level, the Group is coordinated by the Presbyterial Christian Education Committee whereas at the parish level, the parish Christian education committee takes charge. At the lowest level is the congregation or the local church. 

Christian Education structure

1. Meetings 

The Christian Education (CE) Committee at the congregational level meets once every month. At the parish level, all the congregation’s Christian Education members meet on rotational basis.

2. Theological Education by Extension (TEE)

TEE is a formal theological education offered by PCEA church. It is a program disseminated at the  local church level with an intention of training interested members more about the bible. An interested member begins from the certificate level after which he may progress to the diploma and higher diploma levels. Beyond higher diploma, a member can enroll at Presbyterial University to pursue a degree on the same.

3. Seminars 

The Christian Education Committee together with the various church groups organizes seminars and teachings to meet the needs of the members.


  • To pay attention to the teaching of pastoral instruction in schools including all aspects of religious education and pastoral care in schools. 

  • Interprets education policies education acts commissions and their report on education in Kenya for information and guidance to church members. 

  • To establish and communicate to the church issues concerning moral spiritual and material needs that in their view needs clarification, advice and support. 

  • To receive education report from sponsored schools such as National exams statics and staffing for information. 


  1. Patron – 

  2. Chairperson – Duncan Mwangi

  3. V/Chairperson – Susan Mangu

  4. Secretary – Faith Wambui

  5. V/Secretary – Pascaline Karuri

  6. Treasurer – Sammy Wainaina