

About The Brigade

Boys and Girls Brigade is a Christian uniformed organization seeking to realize a better working relationship with Boys and Girls in the Church. 

Physically it promotes good health, relaxation through physical activities. Social–promotes service to the community and the church. Spiritual to present Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour. Education- multiply interests in worthwhile things so that children and the Youths may have more to 



The brigade acknowledges and mirrors Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the scriptures and seek to fulfil its aim to the glory of God, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Brigade is a witness to the standards set by Jesus Christ for the whole of life.

Positive teaching on the Christian attitudes and discipline as children emulate the teachings in the growth towards the adult life.

Brigade Pillars

Brigade is buzilt on twin pillars:- 
• Religion 
• Discipline
The Boys and Girls Brigade recognizes Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord according to the Scriptuzres and aspires to fuzlfill its mission to the glory of God as a Parish that fuzlly reflects Jesuzs Christ. 
The Brigade organization seeks to create a society in which all persons are valuzed equzally in order to worship God and care for huzmanity in accordance with the great commission.

Existence of Boys and Girls Brigade

The boys and girls brigade as a Christian uniformed Organisation that works under the Children Ministry operates as a special group with improved teachings besides the normal Church school program. The Brigade follows the Practice and procedure in teaching.

They include:– 

  1. Religion – The teaching is directed by the Church in that the officers consult the Pastors and Elders for all materials required. 
  2. Uniform – This is how a Brigade member is recognized. The uniforms worn by Brigade members a symbol of:–
    1. Equality 
    2. Self–Respect 
    3. Recognition 
  3. Identification – Have a sense of belonging and being a part of an organisation. 
  4. Drills – Helps in obtaining discipline which promotes obedience, steadfastness, self-control and a sense of working as a team. 
  5. Badge work- Helps each one to develop three individuals talents in which children are awarded for each badge learnt.

Boys Company

The Boys Company is managed by a boys captain who is a commissioned officer. 

Boys Aim 

The advancement of Christ kingdom among boys and the promotion of characters and of obedience, reverence, discipline, self–respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness. 

Boys Motto 

Sure and steadfast.

Girls Company

This Company is managed by a Girls captain who is a commissioned officer. 

Girls Aim 

Helping Girls to become the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ through self–control, reference and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life. 

Girls Motto 

Seek serve and follow Christ.

The groups are further subdivided into groups according to their respective ages. 

5-8 years–Anchor Section 

9-11 years- Junior Section 

12-15 years- Company Section 

19-99 years- Officers 


  1. Patron – Eld Carol Nyamu
  2. Chairperson – Washington Ngare

  3. V/Chairperson – Jackline Kameta

  4. Secretary – Jane Wanjiku

  5. V/Secretary – Edwin Muthui

  6. Treasurer – Joseph Mwangi

  7. Boys Captain – David Muraguri

  8. Girls Captain – Ann Muchoki